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Cox Excalibur


      About Cox Excalibur Red Brangus & is the internet website of a Red Brangus marketing group headed by Cox Excalibur Red Brangus consisting of several independent breeders working together as “CX Production Partners”. represents the production from over five hundred of the most productive and functional cows in the breed offering the best genetics available at a reasonable price.

       Our herd sire battery is recognized all over the world as the leading genetics of the breed. It consists of Sensation, the number one A.I. sire in Red Brangus, as well as his three Houston Livestock Show Grand Champion sons, Cardinal, Super Sensation, and Topline. In addition we have the outcross genetics of CX Promise 37/K,  Deliberate 23/F, the Cardinal sons, CX Destiny, CX Chief Cardinal 847, CX Paymaster 54/J, CX Powerman 307/H and more.

       We also have embryos. We have donor cows like, MS Cadence 23G2 (top 10% of Brangus epds in five traits), MS Alpha 107G (powerful daughter of Alpha-new genetics), or Dream Maker’s dam (one of the most consistent cows in the breed), or one of many more top Red Brangus females.

        Cox Excalibur Red Brangus has been in business for over 32 years. Don Cox, owner, started the CX herd in 1984 on his ranch in Weimar, Texas.  Cox Excalibur Red Brangus is located in Weimar, Texas. about 70 miles west from the city of Houston, Texas. Don and Jose have worked hard to build a top quality herd by testing different genetics to develop the herd now known as Cox Excalibur Red Brangus or CX Genetics.

         No Red Brangus herd has the sire power of the CX brand. The program developed in the early eighties is still the program of today, but eighting years of progress has developed genetics not available at any other program. The bulls being produced today will sire choice steers and out perform other breeds in the heat of tropical and subtropical climates.



CX Partnership Program



Cox Excalibur is offering a Production Partnership Program to those breeders interested in acquiring CX Red Brangus Genetics and utilizing Brangusworld marketing programs.

        The production partnership is designed to facilitate the sale of the animals in the partnership. Purebred breeders sometimes struggle to make it in the business for this simple reason – They don’t have the market to sell their animals at a fair price. Sometimes they are forced to sell at a lower price just to breakeven or to cut their loses.

        Production Partners will be able to sell their animals at a premium at the yearly production sale which will take place at Cox Excalibur Ranch. Partners can also advertise their special animals on, get international referrals, ranching tips and consultation.



Cox Excalibur Red Brangus


1260 Pin Oak Rd. #204

Katy, Texas 77494


Phone: (281) 395-1277

Fax: (281) 395-8982



Rua Tibério, 311 - Água Branca - São Paulo - SP

CEP: 05042-010 • Telefone:  (55) 11 3873-0854

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